Evil_Frisky said:I skimmed thru this and had enough. Your view of women, including your mother and girlfriend are disgusting. Maybe its the way you are raised, hell I don't know. But pull that shit with a strong independant woman and see how far you get.
Men like you want women to feel inferior so that you can feel superior. That my dear is what I call weak. Stomp them down so that you feel atop the world.
You know i like you but I don't agree with your view of women at all. Its very piggish imo. Sure you will find a woman that will let you treat her like shes below you if you look hard enough... good luck in that.
you may be a bright boy but you have ALOT to learn about women.
Even a "strong independant woman" can agree with the first post without being one of "those" women. To agree with a theory does'nt mean you ARE what you're agreeing with. They are just theories and conclusions that can be debated. That does'nt mean they are dividers of people, sexes, etc...