New member
Hey guys, let's staart this with while I'm new at these other steroids and stuff I'm not at working out. I've been doing so for a while taking all legal supps you can get from any GMC, although I buy from bodybuilding.com. starting next fall I'm going to start competing collegiately in the NCAA and I'm looking to gain as much solid mass as possible while still being athletically fit or moreso if possible(losing some fat wouldn't be bad either but I know that's unlikely haha). So I'm looking to run a shoort cycle of something(4-6 weeks) and I would like some help with a good solid stack for me that won't stay in my system for any longer than a few weeks. Some information. I'm 18, 6'3, 205 and probably roughly 15 or so% bf. I've been taking roughly 10g of bcaas a day, green tea, efas, protein, noxipro for working out and orange triad for my multi. Any help you guys can give me would be appreciated because I'm not 100% sure where to even start.