ok back and tri's was as follows
wide grip low pulley cable rows: 80x20, 100x15, 130x15, 150x10, 170x10, 190x10 drop 100x15
single arm unilateral iso rows: 45x20, 90x12, 115x10, 115x9
close grip neutral pulldowns: 80x20, 100x12, 135x12, 160x12, 160x10 drop 135x10
low pully rope rows: 80x15, 100x12, 130x10, 140x10 drop 90x15
high pulley rope pulldowns 7 style: 60x15, 75x12, 90x12, 115x10, 115x10, 115x9, 115x7 drop 75x10
rope pushdowns: 75x15, 90x12, 115x12, 130x10, 130x10
skullcrushers: 75x15, 95x10, 95x10
underhand grip pushdowns: 75x15, 90x12, 115x12, 130x12, 130x9drop 90x7
shoulder was KINDA bothering me. not too bad actually. but i took it pretty easy and just kept the rest period short and went for the pump basically. the extra carbs I have been eating lately has me lookin full and lean. I have eatin a s*** ton of carbs the last few days and im still getting leaner. lol its awesome, yesterday I was probably pretty close to 300, today was somewhere around 250 and im still gettting leaner. I had a pretty late workout today so my last carb meal was closer to bed than I would of liked, O well, NEED2SLIN's got me covered. lol Im lowering my cals slowly, right now im right 2600, I dont plan on going any lower than probably 2300, and that will probably only be for a few days. I MAY go a little lower, but i doubt it.