Alright so I've kinda fucked myself here and pretty much blew ne chance of a realtionship. But I really wanna atleast fuck this girl cuz I dunno she just gives me this vibe that its gonan be good i dont know lol. but ne ways down to my fuck up. Ive been talking ot this girl for about a month and a half. when I first met her we hung out a few times not really doing anything and did nothing but made out and shit. I played it like a total pussy. ne ways come to find out later she had a BF and all this shit and idk I really wanted her so i played itl ike a toal pussy again syain how much i wanted her and all this shit. but ne ways her and her bf are done now, but now shes all tlkaing about this guy she knows down in kansas(like 12 hrs away) she went and visted him this week for a whole 1 day and now shes sayin shes gonan move down there. and how we should just be friends. I told her I didnt want that I dont need anymore female friends. now if not all is lost. I believe she is just making this up about moving down there cuz I dont knwo I just dont see it. but this girls crazy lieks to fuck around with lots of guys heads. so whats my best way to try and get in this girls pants. or am i just screwed?
also on a side note, I mean I still like this girl and wouldnt mind being with her but i dont see that happenein so i need to atleast get something. but more would be a plus
also on a side note, I mean I still like this girl and wouldnt mind being with her but i dont see that happenein so i need to atleast get something. but more would be a plus