your best bet is always to see the doc. best we can do is tell you what we know from our experences.
this happend to me while running fina. to the point where i couldn't do a thing. it was on par with a migrane. it would come and go. never lasted too long.
i thought i was blood pressure spiking. so i took my blood presure a few times while it was happening and my pressure was normal. well it was a little bit high for me but still in the normal range.
if you've stoped the eq and are still having problems, it could be any number of things including none gear realted probs.
I Just got thru working over Decem for this same thing!!! 95 Per cent of the population has high BP and do not know it!! Steroids only elevate this -it is preferred to check your BP before and while you are taking gear....definetely get your butt up and go to the Dr for a check up...Hi BP is the #1 silent killer and can be prevented!!! I will now climb down from my box now sermon is over!!! RADAR
plus drink plenty of water, stay away from salty foods, take liver detox vitamins... these are all things you should have been doing anyways, but just incase.
it could be a sinus infection, are you sick? also i would definetely check your blood pressure and see a doc asap. don't take a chance. remember juice gives people paranoia sometimes and i have jumped to conclusions before and made something worse then it actually was.
I had the exact same thing with EQ. I thought the back of my head was seriously going to explode. I would have to sit down and drink a few liters of water to feel better. I think it was the combo of eca and the EQ. Both will raise blood pressure. Be careful.