no it wont make me happy. Because in my opinion your to young. Now quit clogging up my log with all your posts damit....oh wait this is your log. Sorryz.
no it wont make me happy. Because in my opinion your to young. Now quit clogging up my log with all your posts damit....oh wait this is your log. Sorryz.
earlier post about being a first year college student, the fact he looks it, and the fact his base was questionable worry me.
Then the huge amount of gear and it being a first cycle (?) just makes this pretty insane. Def do not agree...
That being said your doing it now so just make sure you make the most of it, eat properly and eat tons. And train smart with lots of rest. Just out of curiosity whats your diet and training looking like? (in detail)
Squat 5x5
Military press 4X8
Hip Sled 3x8
Seated shoulder press 3x8
Calf raises
Cable lateral raises 3x12
all this subject to change, i might add some more stuff in as i'm feeling it.
DL 5x4-5
Pull ups 4x8
DB bent over row 4x8
Chest supported db rows 3x10
whatever for bis, i'm usually not too worried about them
Flat bench 5x5
Incline DB bench 4x8
Dips 3x8
maybe closed grip bench
and then rope pull downs 3x12
All these are subject to change.
My diet is usually something like this..
9am: 4eggs w/ bowl of oatmeal
12am: chicken breast on whole wheat buns w/ cheese and lettuce.
assorted veggies
+some bread or other kind of carb i can fit into my stomach
130pm: protein shake w/water (pre workout)
3pm post workout: waximaize shake with creatine
4pm: Some kind of meat (usually a sandwich) and baked potato or rice
7pm: chicken breast w/ veggies
For snacks after this I usually have natural oats w/ whole milk cereal style. and cottage cheese. not all at once, but whenever I feel I can eat a good amount.
+ I try to drink a lot of milk throughout the day. usually can get through a half gal every 1.5 days.
And one more thing, I'm reluctant on taking the full 750mg. I'm most likely not going to take it all, but to just keep it at 500mg. I think that's a lot. Now can I please log in piece?