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hopper2k said:Right Right... i do get the basic idea of all this btw
Do as much bloody cardio as you can, train well 3/4 times a week, eat healthy foods "chicken breasts, oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables." drink lots of water etc
Right i done the above and it says i need 2700 cals, So should i aim to intake about 2000 cals a day... Then how many cals should i be burning with cardio?
pintoca would you be willing to help me with a diet please... i would be more than happy to pay or something...
Still confused a little about the mornings, should i just have a shake, or carry on with my bananna and wheatabix??
Again this forum ROCKSThank you...
We do this for free man, in the interest of helping others. We only ask you do your part as well.
Mornings you want to have a protein source (if possible) and some slow digesting carbs... some people go with oats, some go with scrambled egg-whites... fruit is a debatable issue, since its carbs will go to your liver and not to your muscles (to make a long story short).
Mornings I prefer oats, since they are more filling, but that is just me, you need to find what works for you.
2700 cals? that is a lot, again, how much do you weight? (in lbs, please) and what is your estimated body fat (this I recommend getting tested).
How much food you are "entitled" to eat depends not only on your current state but on how much training you will do, the more you train, the more food you can have (loosely speaking)
I'm not really into making custom-diets, but more in the fundamentals, I prefer each person to work on their diets, I can work out the basic numbers, but you need to fill in the blanks... reason? what I like to eat, you might hate... and it would never work. Best is to look for the things you like to eat (within reason) and build a small spreadsheet with the nutritional info, then mix and match.