annielovesBB said:I have a question on doing chins/pulls- Why can some people do them and others can't? I can't do them w/out help and i talked to other bb's and some can do it and others can't. I've been trying for years and i'm so weak @ them, i don't know what to do to get stronger @ them so i can hit a bunch on my own. I'm strong @ doing other back ex. and i lift heavy, but when it comes to pulls/chins, forget it. It's very frustrating. Any suggestions from anyone, Sassy? Thanks!
Pull ups / chin ups need to be done OFTEN in order to get better at them. They ar eone of those things that you cannot replicate. So you can be strong, but still can't do them. Same with push ups. Both exercises require SO much of your body - not just one body part, rather almost the entire body.
To get better at them, they should be part of your training several times a week.
I would do them unassisted - even if you can only pull up 1/4 of the way. Pull yourself up as high as you can for reps. Then rest, repeat. Eventually, you will be able to go 1/3 of the way .... then 2/3 ... etc.
Like Sassy said, I wouldn't mess with the Machine Asst ones - it doesn't really help you advance. Only assistance I have found helpful is when you have a partner hold your ankles (bend at the knee) and help give you a SLIGHT push up and help you control your down.
ANother thing you can do is just do the negative (down) portion. Jump up to the up position (chin above bar) and slowly lower yourself. DO this seveal times, and slowly you will gain the strength to pull yourself up.