Amen to that! I am literally craving it. I tried my first run of it about a year ago at Needto's recommendation. I ran it in conjunction with a diesel cycle he laid out for me. And like Hyooj, my body's reaction to it was breathtaking. My sex drive went screaming thru the roof! The crack of dawn got me excited. I woke up with erections most every morning. And what a tremendous sense of well being. In many ways I felt 18 again.
Be skeptical all you want if you're reading this and new to the site. You will discover as I have, you will look long and hard (no pun intended) and NOT find the sources, resources and support you will find here. Period. All the magazine marketing with their before and after pics and all the GNC bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT! If your time, hard earned money and your physique are of any importance to you, invest it here. My word is you won't regret it. I have yet to contact Needto privately with questions or concerns and not get a thoughful personal response. He cares that much. And read some of his writings. His level of understanding with all the facets of body chemistry is the best I've ever seen! And I've read alot on the subject over the last 15 years. Anyway, enough. Get in here and get moving! Carpe diem my friend!
Semper Fi