Back and calves tonight.
135 for 5
225 for 3
275 for 1
315 for 1
Tried 355, got halfway up, but it wouldn't go ... Oh well ...
315 for 1, static hold for about 5 seconds
Barbell rows.
5x3 at 185. My lats are getting stronger, I do believe.
1x8, 1x10 at bodyweight +25 lbs hanging
1x9 at bodyweight. I know I could've had a few more, but my grip failed because the pullup bar is all smooth.
2x10 at 255. Easy. Goin up next week.
Reverse Hypers.
3x20. These make my back feel sooooo good.
Standing calf raises.
3 sets at 70 lbs. 15, 15, 12.
Seated calf raises.
3 sets at 90 lbs. 10, 10, 8.
I supersetted the calf exercises, with very little rest time between sets. I'd say 30 seconds at most. And that freaking deadlift ... Goddammit. I was so mad. I was able to pull 355 before ... Must have been an off night. Oh, and my back wasn't hurting at all, if you were wondering. Must have been a very minor strain or something.