Leg day tonight. Good and bad ...
135 for 5
155 for 5
185 for 5
225 for 5
245 for 3
255 for 3
275 for 2
295 for 1! NEW PR!!
I tried going past 300, but it wouldn't go up. I was too fatiqued after 8 sets. 300 will be mine shortly!!
Leg press
2x12 with 4 45s on each side. This is like 180, right? Since it's on a 45 degree angle?
Stiff Legged Deads
This is the "bad" part I spoke of. After my warmup, placing the weight back down, I felt something in my back. My must have moved something wrong or something ... I tried another light set with 135, but it was uncomfortable. Goddammit ... Hopefully it's nothing, and it should be good for Friday's back day. Wish me luck.
2x8 at 140.
Seated calf raises
1x15, then 4x12 at 90.
Well, I set a new PR squatting, but then fucked something up in my back. It doesn't hurt bad. I'm guessing a minor strain or something like that. Oh, quick question ... While squatting, when I get to the heavier stuff, my knees will turn inward a little bit. Is this a sign of weak hips? Or quads? I just wanna know what I should work on to strengthen it up. Thanks.