She's been training with me for about 2 years. Had lifted before that, but not seriously. Let's put it this way. She didn't have legs or calves when she came to me. She was squatting 95 lbs at the time she started with me. Now she squats with 385 for 8 to the box (parallel) on the smith machine. My calf routine is brutal as well, but short and simple. Ask New@.
She competed last year around this time and again this year. Thus, one year (2 shows) of competition under her belt. Not sure what is next, possibly Nationals this year.
TG, regarding diet. The following are the basis of her pre-contest diet. Started this about 10 weeks out. She was probably around 14% bodyfat at that time.
Flaxseed Oil
Chicken Breast
Green Beans
Egg Whites
Plain Potato
Optimum Protein Diet
Optimum Whey Protein
Prue Protein Bar
PROTEIN 304.2 314.4
CARB 34.0 167.5
FAT 90.3 87.1
TOTAL KCAL 2165.5 2711.5
The above are the low and high carb days. Almost all of the fat came from Flaxseed oil. 3 weeks out we cut it from 4 - 6 tbls per day to 1 per day. Her bodyfat really started to come down quick at that point. In my opinion, I think that's a little too much flax to start, but I didn't design the basic diet from the beginning.
Her preparation is a team effort. A former pro male BB and sports med doc that works with BBs and pro athletes structure the basics of her diet. Another person sets up her basic posing routine.
Then I fine tune the diet adding carbs here and there, deleting fat based on how she looks, feels and performs in the gym. While I agree in principal to the basic diet, it has to be individualized to the client. I tend to add more carbs and somewhat less fat than the original plan because it works better for her. While I always butt heads with those who rely heavily on ketogenic diets, I find adding carbs at the right time can make a big difference with lifting intensity, preservation of muscle mass, positive mental outlook and mental energy AND loss of fat. In fact, her mood and energy were very positive right through the show. You wouldn't know that she was on a precontest diet based on her mental and physical capacities. I feel that many people make this way harder than it has to be.
I also work with her posing, but my girlfriend does the exclusive finishing work on her posing routine beginning 2 weeks from the show. When you have too many people telling you what to do, things get really messed up.
She keeps her water in (about 150 oz per day) up until the last night. Then about 8- 12 oz before prejudging (around noon) depending on her body weight and how she looks and feels. Sodium stays in as well, but cuts back a little 36 hours out. She also keeps her carbs up until the show. The timing was set up so she had 3 higher carb days through thurs, then some but less carbs on Friday.
We based it all on how hard and vascular she looked. She cut her water in half on thurs by someone elses advice but began to look a little flat and non-vascular. I told her to add it back in and not cut the carbs. She filled back out and still made weight.
Again, those old anal bodybuilding tendencies tend to do more harm than good.
The gym pics were shot the next morning after a normal dinner. Nothing heavy, so she was a little fuller the next day but had no addtional sub-Q water.
Again, an important point that everyone sees but never seems to learn from. Everyone always looks better the next day. Hmmmmm.....Maybe if everyone was a little less crazy with the water and food restrictions the day before the show, they'd look really good at prejudging instead of the next day.
Hope this helps.