why? I prob has really low natty test. I am just going to do my test cycle and see what happens. I need a solid base of muscle to have a chance of burning the belly fat off. Thinking about even combing test/tren for my first cycle since tren is a metabolism booster and fat burner + lean mass gainer.
I really have nothing to lose. I cant take looking at myself anymore. I am just going to do it. starting my cycle next week. I am still going to see a doctor about the detoxing
I know what it's like to feel helpless and that you have nothing to lose. 7 or so years ago I was 135 pounds and in a very similar position. I was skinny, depressed and it seemed like it would take forever to get in the sort of shape or have the body I needed to be happy. I had access to AAS but I listened to people giving me the same advice you're getting now.
I started lifting heavy (heavy to me, not to most people) and eating right. I highly recommend learning how to do olympic style lifts and good full-body lifts like power cleans, deadlifts, squats, etc.. Your PT is probably already showing you these and if not, ask him/her.
Guess what happened? My body started to change, my energy levels started to change, my image of myself and self-esteem sky rocketed. And that was only after a few months.
And you're absolutely right, your natural test levels are probably low. But I can almost guarantee that your levels are not low because of genetics but because of your horrific diet and lack of exercise and weight training. You've only been exercising and weight training for a couple weeks.
Work with your PT, eat right, lift, HAVE DISCIPLINE, and then come back in only 120 days and tell us that you don't feel better. Tell us that you aren't making progress and that you aren't getting any stronger.
I am willing to put money on it that if you take a blood test now, which you can do for $44.99, and test yourself again after eating clean and working your ass off in the gym doing power lifts, that your test levels increase among other measurements of overall health.
You've been treating your body like shit for 10 years. What do you expect to happen? Luckily for all of us, the human body is AMAZINGLY adaptable and can rapidly recover when we start doing what we are supposed to do.
The point is, you need to learn how to discipline yourself now. You need to learn how to do the proper lifts the proper way and eat right. Because without those core skills you will never get much from AAS. The other point is, it's okay to feel shitty. But you don't have to stay that way and steroids aren't going to fix it.
Seriously, go work your ass off, listen to what Steve has told you and see the proper doctors, put on some weight, and then come back and talk abut AAS and you may get a much different response. Or you may decide that you're making such RIDICULOUS GAINS NATURALLY that you're going to hold off so you don't stunt your natural potential.