Thank you very much fellas.
Jay- I never really though much about it until I posted this pic. People have been telling me my arms look long. I am definitely sticking with this sport. I'll be lifting until they pry the bar from my lifeless hands. I said at one point last year that my life goal was to deadlift over 600. I won't quit until I get it and then I'll make a new goal. I hope a good suit and belt helps out. Any suggestions on types or brands would be great. I have some time before I have to buy it, so I am gonna do some asking around.
The contest I want to do to break the USAPL state record for NY is NY state bench/dead champs. If I am in the 148 or 165 by then I can actually destroy both records. My guess is that most people don't compete in those weight classes as Juniors, but hey I'm gonna get me a state record.
B Fold- I attempted a 425 after that. That is my gym max, but I got it to my knees and couldn't get my hips forward. I think my butt came up. Then I just said what the hell and went for a 440 because that would have given me two things: a 3xbw dead and a 1,000 lb total. Got it 3 inches and my left foot slipped. That was it. Definitely a shitty deadlifting mat I was on and my wide ass stance made it worse. Plus, I was just beat by that point. Long day of lifting.
Cubanito- I do feel I will be much past that record by December, but that is when the meet is. I am not a big fan of speed deads. They feel funny. I do however like heavy sldl and extra-wide sumos. I am gonna play around with different rack pulls and lifting off blocks, along with plenty of goodmornings, zerchers and heavy ab/oblique work. I feel these all help a ton!