For the Aussies out there, we have of course one advantage with the cheapest lean meat available (kangaroo, $7 per kilo RRP, 1.3% fat at Coles), but just thought would let you know of another great product, which you may be aware.
Pace Omega 3 Eggs (not affiliated with product act all)
2 eggs provides 1.114g Omega 3 (not heaps, but at least it balances amount the omega 6), but what most impressed me was extreme amounts of Vitamin E (143% of RDA). It is difficult to naturally obtain the RDA of vitamin E, a useful antioxidant, unless you eat lots of almonds, wheat germ or sunflower seeds, and the latter 2 options are too high in omega 6. This is the best non-omega 6 option, and the lowest calorie option (150 calories for 2 eggs). Unfortunately, their not cheap ($6), so I only have 2 per day.
Also contains over 100% RDA for Zinc (quite anabolic), Folate, Selnium, and B12. Amazing for just 150 calories
I'm now ranking this for me after salmon and flaxseeds/oil as my number 3 fat source all things considered.
Pace Omega 3 Eggs (not affiliated with product act all)
2 eggs provides 1.114g Omega 3 (not heaps, but at least it balances amount the omega 6), but what most impressed me was extreme amounts of Vitamin E (143% of RDA). It is difficult to naturally obtain the RDA of vitamin E, a useful antioxidant, unless you eat lots of almonds, wheat germ or sunflower seeds, and the latter 2 options are too high in omega 6. This is the best non-omega 6 option, and the lowest calorie option (150 calories for 2 eggs). Unfortunately, their not cheap ($6), so I only have 2 per day.
Also contains over 100% RDA for Zinc (quite anabolic), Folate, Selnium, and B12. Amazing for just 150 calories
I'm now ranking this for me after salmon and flaxseeds/oil as my number 3 fat source all things considered.