Monday August 8th
Supps: 2 Lipo-6
Meal 1: 1/2 whole wheat wrap, egg whites, jalapeno peppers, .5 oz mozarella cheese
Meal 2: Pizza (cheat meal, but I'm really starting to consider Meal 1 as half a cheat)
Meal 3: 8 oz skim milk, chocolate chai instant tea, 1/2 of peach, 1 bite of chocolate chip cookie.
Workout: Chest/Biceps
8:35 pm - 9:05 pm
Flat Bench Press (wide grip)
40x12 40x12 40x10 40x10 40x8 (includes 2 warmup sets)
Incline Bench Press (wide grip)
40x12 40x8 40x8
Flat Bench DB Flye
15x10 15x10
Incline DB Flye
15x10 15x8
Bicep Curl on Incline Bench
8x12 8x12 8x12 8x10 8x10 (included 2 warmup sets)
Comments: Weights chosen here was a joke, as I could've went a tad heavier, but my adjustable db's had me nervous from the previous Flyes. Way too lose for my comfort.
Concentration Curl
8x12 8x12
No cardio today. Feeling a nice pump in my arms, I'm a little shocked. Must be from the presses.
Meal 4: 9:45 pm
5.4 oz Tilapia
1/2 cup of Spinach (tenative, cause if I feel I'm still hungry I'm going to go eat more of this)
Not sure if I will have time for a shake, but we'll see, as my goals for tomorrow are:
Wake up at 6:15 am, head out of door by 7:00 am, and reach gym by 7:30 am. Would really love to sneak in a HIIT session on the Elliptical. The plan is to work legs tomorrow evening at the NJ gym right after work. My time is crunched so I'm trying to make the best of it. Wish me luck everyone. I took extra initative and made my protein pancake already for after HIIT. Gonna go pack my gym bag right now.