My biggest weakness is my grip. Working to improve it by constantly squeezing on a grip ball and doing various exercises in the gym (farmers, deadlift holds, etc).
Short term goals:
Bench goal - 200: working on strengthening triceps and explosiveness to get there.
Squat goal - 250: working on strengthening my core, especially abs, back and legs.
Deadlift goal - 250: working on strengthening my core, especially abs, back and legs.
I'm also too fat. Working on dropping body fat % down below 20%.
I also need work on my form on virtually every exercise.
exodus, i started doing a lot of abs with a static hold, holding lying leg raises for a minute without weight, or 30 secs with, incline situps with 25 or 35 pound plate, hold for 5 to 10 count because in strongman, abs must remain contracted for lengths of time, not one quick burst. just a thought
number 2 is core strength, im throwing in consistent raw deadlifting, squats, box squats, GMs, Hypers to correct this. Hopefully it will solve #3 and that is widening my back
Oh yeah, I forgot abs. I slack on these really bad. My thing is to get finished with my workout and tell myself I'll do them later when I'm at home. Well, 9 times out of 10, they don't get done. I'm going to make them a priority the next training cycle.