OHP - Work on speed and standing push-presses. Also need to get a log and a non-rotating thick bar made.
Goal - 250 standing push-press.
Grip - Continue to not use straps for anything, farmers walks and statis holds.
Goal - 250-275lbs for 60 secs.
Deadlift - Train raw, rack pulls, oly high-pulls and cleans, lots of ham and glute work.
Goal - 600lbs raw by this time next year.
Event training - Get stones, a log, a sled, duck walk implement and a tire. Come up with ways to train for Conans wheel, super yoke, and set up a medley. Train the duck walk and farmers walk HARD!
Goal - Never to place last in my weight class again!!!!
Cardiovascular fitness - Sled dragging, stair climber, jump rope, and anything else that gets my heart rate up.