for calves, i realize they are largely genetic. i have heard that nelson montana's and doggcrapp's calf training ideas work great. i wouldnt know though. i never work calves and they are huge.
for tri's, dont let long arms bother you. ryan kennelly is 6'2-6'3 and has relatively long arms, even for his height. he still benched over 800. i also have long arms for my height, it sure doesnt bother me.
the key is to find where you fail at your pressing movement, and work that portion of the lift (benching i guess). board presses work tremendously. as do rack lockouts of various heights (usually 2 inch and 6-8 inch movements), as you're already planning on doing.
find the weak spot and attack it. it's a constant cycle but your numbers (and size) will always go up