2-10-13: Deads/OHP
1x495 (barely missed at the top because of grip, put a strap on my right hand and did a second rep clean within 30-45 sec of the first. I'll just count it as 1 complete rep).
5x455 straps TUT style
5x405 no straps, hold grip for 5 sec
Overhead Press
6x155 (1 rep PR and 5 lb PR)
Good Mornings
Rear/Side Raise supersets
10 rear raises 15 side raises 5 rear raises 5 side raises with 12.5s finisher
Pretty good day today. I missed yesterday's session because I had a terrible hangover. Today I went a little earlier than usual because I was feeling kinda wimpy/low testosterone, but angry/frustrated at the same time. Wanted to vent the anger and jump my test back up. Plus I hate that period between eating at 11 and eating at 2 where I do pretty much nothing, then I hate how right after I go to the gym, then eat at 5, and by 6 my whole day is already used up. So right now it's 3:15 and I'm just chillin, high test and relaxed. But anyways...
Deads were good, grip was being a bitch again but I was using the thick bar, almost got 495 without straps but my right hand slipped like 1 cm away from lockout. Then I threw on a strap real quick and busted out another rep under 45 sec after the last one. Both these reps were a bit sketchy techniquewise though. Then I put straps on both hands and did a set of 5 with 455 TUT style, no pauses but also no bounces. Felt unique, I definitely felt my lats working a lot more, and I could tell my lower back was much straighter, probably because I did an overwarmup and had just pulled 495. Then I did 405 for a surprisingly hard set of 5, but my technique was as solid as ever. Tried to hold my grip afterwards but I was so toasted, barely could hold for 5 sec. OHP was surprisingly strong. Might be partially because I took a preworkout today, ergo pump, had it for a while just almost never use it, no ephedrine or yohimbine or anything but it's still got caffiene, creatine, and nitric oxide. So I almost got 7 reps with 155 which would have been phenomenal. I thought I was past the sticking point on the 7th rep but it was such a grinder that I ended up stalling between my sticking point and lockout. Might have had it but I didn't get it and that's what matters, unfortunately. Then I almost got 10 reps with 135 but when I was grinding up the last one my bodybuilder friend (guy is massive, 180 lbs sub 8% BF at 5'7) got worried I would fall backwards because I was leaning so far back so he pushed me forwards and kind of fucked up the lift. It's all good though, next time I rep out 135 I'll try again. Still matched a PR though, 135x9, all with the thick bars. GMS felt ridiculously light, I should maybe bump up the weight because not only are higher than 10 rep sets painful as fuck but my technique gets sloppy. In between sets I did my rear/side raises because I was running out of time, the dining halls close at 2 and it was 1:30ish, the gym is about 15-20 mins from the nearest dining hall. Skipped kroc rows and DB incline bench because I was running short on time, I'm gonna do a squat/bench deload on tues so I'll throw em in on that day. Got to the dining halls at 2:02 but they still let me in, overall a successful day, I'll probably start training early on weekends from now on.