Today Was Great...
15mins cycling
Olympic Squats - Light Day
88lbs x 4 pause in the hole
110lbs x 4 pause in the hole
135lbs x 4 pause in the hole
155lbs x 4 pause in the hole
155lbs x 2 FRONT SQUAT
135lbs x 8 FRONT SQUAT
Standing Shoulder Press
45lbs x 8
66lbs x 6
94lbs x 5 <-- new pr!
94lbs x 4 and a half (fail)
72lbs x 12
72lbs x 9
135lbs x 7
176lbs x 5
259lbs x 6 <-- new pr!
259lbs x 4
242lbs x 6
Deficit Deads - bar at ankles, was as low as I could go
135lbs x 8 easy
176lbs x 10 easy *superset* Breathing Pullovers 45lbs x 25
198lbs x 8 easy again! <--new Pr! *superset* Breathing Pullovers 50lbs x 20
Wide Grip Rack Chins
Bodyweight x 7, 6, 6, 5, 4 <-- New Pr on the 7!
Bodyweight x 5, 5, 3
50lbs Assistance x 12, 10
Incline DB Zottman Curls
27.5lb Db's x 9 <-- New Pr!
27.5lb Db's x 6
22lb Db's x 25 <-- New Pr!
30 mins cycling
That last set of curls pumped my bi's and forearms to shit! Never been that pumped before couldnt even open the door to the toilets! My forearms get pumped so easily, they got pumped when doing the rack chins even when I used straps!
Deficit deads are getting interesting, never pulled from that low before and was suprisingly easy, Before when I did deficits from 15kg plates it was much higher than that and 198 was alot harder. Great workout, lots of PR's!
My tri's, lats, delts, chest, lower back and bi's are sore as fuck now, the day after this!