I definitely wouldn't recommend doing heavy deadlifts before your power cleans. Look at the weights you're using. A 165x1 powerclean is not going to significantly, if at all, detract from your 286x9 deadlift. The weight is so light in comparison on the cleans that if anything, it'll function as a nice warmup. Deadlifting first on the other hand is going fatigue your entire posterior chain. Technique/skill driven exercises are significantly harder to do when muscle fatigue is present.
Have you tried widening your grip a bit, keeping your elbows in, and letting the bar fall back to 2-3 fingers (as opposed to keeping a tight grip) as you get it into the rack? Other than that, you can try stretching the wrists regularly. Some peoples' arm dimensions just make it tough to rack a clean with a very narrow grip, regardless of wrist flexibility.