Today was an intense leg session.
My mum showed me a new chicken recipe and when food tastes good I have a pretty decent appetite. So I had a pretty awesome pre workout meal and ate 25 ounces of chicken breast lol.
Got to the gym and felt like blasting legs really hard so did alot more volume than usual...
110 x 5
138 x 5
165 x 5
198 x 1
226 x 21
well I thought I hit 20 reps but watched the video back and did an extra one some how lol
Front Squat
121 x 6
132 x 6
143 x 6
143 x 6
still working on technique here
Standing Calf Raise
132 x 8
242 x 10-7-6 (rest pauses)
Seated Calf Raise
130 x 9-6-5 (rest pauses)
calf stretching
Lying Leg Curl
100 x 13 PR
*110 x 5 was shaking all over trying to complete the 6th rep but didnt quite manage it
*80 x 3
*50 x 10
Walking DB Lunge
33's x 12/12
50's x 10/10
50's x 10/10
4 sets of 8 hanging leg raise
2 sets of 10 weighted side bend
20mins outdoor walking/limping lol
YouTube - Squat 226 x 21
yep once again my gym is rocking the gay music lol
training is going pretty well lately.
My mum showed me a new chicken recipe and when food tastes good I have a pretty decent appetite. So I had a pretty awesome pre workout meal and ate 25 ounces of chicken breast lol.
Got to the gym and felt like blasting legs really hard so did alot more volume than usual...
110 x 5
138 x 5
165 x 5
198 x 1
226 x 21

well I thought I hit 20 reps but watched the video back and did an extra one some how lol
Front Squat
121 x 6
132 x 6
143 x 6
143 x 6
still working on technique here
Standing Calf Raise
132 x 8
242 x 10-7-6 (rest pauses)
Seated Calf Raise
130 x 9-6-5 (rest pauses)
calf stretching
Lying Leg Curl
100 x 13 PR
*110 x 5 was shaking all over trying to complete the 6th rep but didnt quite manage it
*80 x 3
*50 x 10
Walking DB Lunge
33's x 12/12
50's x 10/10
50's x 10/10
4 sets of 8 hanging leg raise
2 sets of 10 weighted side bend
20mins outdoor walking/limping lol
YouTube - Squat 226 x 21
yep once again my gym is rocking the gay music lol
training is going pretty well lately.