Just bought the HG-200 gripper 
would like to squat tomorrow, but my hams are still sore from whenever I did those romanian deadlifts, I think it was last Thursday... They have been sore all week but getting better. Ideally I would squat tomorrow and do back on tuesday. Then take wednesday off.
Oh yeah and Im moving deadlifts to back day, and doing romanian deadlifts for higher reps on hamstring day. I forgot how hard RDL's worked my hams and glutes until the other day and Im going to put them back in, but to help combat overtraining I will be doing them after leg curls and for sets of 10-15 meaning I wont be using super heavy weight, so hopefully I should be ok.
If all goes to plan this week will look like this
Monday - quads, calves
Tuesday - back, grip
Wednesday - off
Thursday - hams, calves, abs
Friday - chest, shoulders, tri's
Weekend off

would like to squat tomorrow, but my hams are still sore from whenever I did those romanian deadlifts, I think it was last Thursday... They have been sore all week but getting better. Ideally I would squat tomorrow and do back on tuesday. Then take wednesday off.
Oh yeah and Im moving deadlifts to back day, and doing romanian deadlifts for higher reps on hamstring day. I forgot how hard RDL's worked my hams and glutes until the other day and Im going to put them back in, but to help combat overtraining I will be doing them after leg curls and for sets of 10-15 meaning I wont be using super heavy weight, so hopefully I should be ok.
If all goes to plan this week will look like this
Monday - quads, calves
Tuesday - back, grip
Wednesday - off
Thursday - hams, calves, abs
Friday - chest, shoulders, tri's
Weekend off
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