Today - Back, Bi's
fuckin awesome workout
Wide Grip Chins
2 (wider than usual) + 2 neutral grip
Seated Cable Row slow negatives + static contraction for a second on each rep
stack minus 3 plates x 20
stack minus 2 plates x 14
stack minus 1 plate x 10
stack x 7
-weighted trap and inner back stretching-
DB Pullover
66lb Db x 17
PR nice lat and chest pump
77lb Db x 6
66lb Db x 12
66lb Db x 8
-weighted lat stretching-
Straight Bar Curls strict
empty olympic bar x 12
66lbs x 5
77lbs x 7
-rest pause-
77lbs x 3
-rest pause-
77lbs x 2
-bicep stretching-
Seated DB Shrugs
72lb Db's x 8
83lb Db's x 5
61lb Db's x 12
55lb Db's x 16