I lost about twenty pounds and had another ten to go before I was shredded. I projected to be 180 at single digits. Shit just didn't go as planned lol
I intend to start dieting again in December. This time I'll use super supplements though so things should be a little different
cool, Im down 13lbs so far. lol at you being 180 somehow that just doesnt fit with you
are supersupps pharmaceuticals like ECA?
Anyway today was a morning workout, back and shoulders
holy moses it turned out to be a long workout lol
Wide Grip Chins
PR never done this many before in my life
kind of gassed myself a bit on the first set because I shot through the first 8 super quick
Seated DB Press
33's x 8
50's x 9
55's x 5
39's x 12
Seated Cable Row used a slightly looser form than usual
stack + 33lb plate x 12
stack + 55lb plate x 7 this was sick lol
stack + 44lb plate x 8 with 2 more dropsets
Lateral Raises
1 set with 27.5lb DB's and dropsets going all the way down the rack until I was using 5lbers
DB Pullover
61lb DB x 15
66lb DB x 12
66lb DB x 10
-supersetted with-
1 Arm DB Row
61lb DB x 15 reps on each side for all 3 sets not really very heavy
Seated Facepulls gonna stop doing these now
70lbs x 15
60lbs x 15
50lbs x 15 with another 15 tacked on the end using body english
Power Shrugs out of the Rack
132 x 5
220 x 5
308 x 5 straps added from here
330 x 5
352 x 5
Static Grip Holds
352 x 17 seconds mixed grip
308 x 10 seconds double overhand
220 x 20 seconds double overhand
176 x 5 seconds double overhand w/ fat gripz
176 x 27 seconds double overhand
132 x 15 seconds double overhand w/ fat gripz
132 x 35 seconds double overhand
88 x 25 seconds double overhand w/ fat gripz
15mins cycling - 2 hour session couldnt be fucked with extra cardio
now I have another vacation so Im taking a week off the gym
its 2 hours after I finished in the gym and my traps are still pumped and huge