Today - quads, calves, abs
this was like a morning workout since it was after my first meal but I was so tired I slept until 12.30pm lol so it was actually late afternoon
15mins cycling
ATG Squats
88 x 5
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
149 x 9
Standing Calf Raise wow I havnt done calves in 2 weeks
154 x 11
-rest pause-
154 x 7
-rest pause-
154 x 6
Seated Calves
105 x 9
-rest pause-
105 x 6
-rest pause-
105 x 7 don't ask me how lol
Standing Calf Raise
bw + 25lb weighted vest x 30
hard calf stretches
3 sets each for both internal and external rotator cuffs
Bulgarian Split Squats -- didn't feel like leg pressing
bw x 5/5
+ 17lb Db's in each hand x 10/10
+ 27.5lb Db's in each hand x 10/10
+ 33lb Db's in each hand x 10/10
+ 39lb Db's in each hand x 10/10
I have pretty bad balance due to a brain tumour I had removed 6 years ago Im considering doing the split squats more regularly to help correct that, on my left legged set with 39s I actually toppled over twice lol
Roman Chair Situps -- first time, loved them!
4 sets of 15 no extra weight but holy asshole what a burn
situps were inbetween split squats and barely any rest soon as I finished the situps I went and got the db's and went into the next set, could hardly breath during the 39s
35mins cycling
managed to get a pretty cool roman chair situp rig using a flat bench, squat rack and bar, basically put the bar on the safeties and hooked my legs underneath it and sat my ass on the bench which was layed out horizontally. Awesome exercise I hope I will be able to do them in my new gym (tomorrow is my last workout in my current gym

Awesome Workout!