I thought you were being an ignorant fuck. But...you're asking an honest question.
Hm....they don't have A Levels or O Levels in the US.
There are a few schools in India which offer A Levels.
But what is very predominant is the IB. I did the IB Diploma program in Bombay too, actually.
I didn't know a lot about the A Levels but thats very informative what you wrote. So you have to pick 4 subjects?
I think Psychology is a great idea, to be honest. Sports..meh..what do you want to do with your life?
In the IB, my Higher Level subjects were English (A1 - meaning native speaker), Biology and Chemistry. My Standard Level subjects were French Ab Initio, Math Methods and Business Studies.
I had a predicted score of 36 for the IB and thats what was sent in my transcript to the US. It's funny how the IB works on predicted scores...plus it was a huge rip off that I had to send in my scores to Georgia Tech University to convert IB levels to GPA. It cost me $150 lol.....
Anyway, I had a predicted score of 36, I got accepted to all my universities that I applied to except for 2 which I never heard from (probably because I sent in my apps 3 days late - what an idiot!).
I stopped studying for the IB Finals because I was accepted and guess what? I got fucked...
English: 6
Biology: 7
Chemistry: 4
French Ab Initio:
2 <<-- wtf I am retarded!!!
Business Studies: 5
Math Methods: 7
Funny shit man..
But, thankfully my English, Biology, Business and Math grades all counted for extra credit in the US. Worked out well for me