when are you gonna switch from DB Rows to BB Rows?
Your DB Rows are getting a bit too high for the DBs in your gym lol
biggest DB's are 88's when I can hit them for 25 reps on each arm without droppping it I will video it then switch.
Not sure what I will switch to, bent over bb row is more of a heavy duty mass builders but seated close grip cable row I can really squeeze my lats/traps and get a good stretch with. Maybe I should go half way and do close grip T-Bar row. IDK.
Heavy Ass One Arm Db Rows done with no straps and a kinda loose style and not super strict are great for grip strength so maybe even when I switch I will do 1 burn out set with the 88's on each arm after I have done whatever rows I choose and facepulls and rolling extensions.