Okay, that is very helpful. I heard that shrimp was high in protein but low in calories? I will go out on a limb and try 200 cal of shrimp or another meat a day for a week and see what happens.
THANK YOU for considering this. We've had some very heated threads on the topic of the Thin Forum and it is not my goal to bring any of that up. Just as with use of AS, it is ultimatetly your decision to do it/not do it, regardless of what anyone on this board says. It doesn't help the situation further to be reduced to a flame fest. On this (the women's) board, we actually enjoy a certain amount of civility, I think an amazing amount of responsibility, support and information, relative to the typical internet forum, and I hope that this will continue to be preserved.
To this end, for any person who comes on here (myself included), with questions or frustrations about whatever they are doing or not doing to reach a goal, I would challenge you to first consider the suggestions made - granted there is a lot of experience and differing suggestions, generally the opinions and messages are the same -- take those suggestions (or some subset of them) and apply them for 3 weeks to see the results, before pursuing what is often just the temptation to look for a "quick fix".
This includes:
- Use of AS, T3 and other "alternative" supplements for "weight loss"
- Severely reduced calories in order to "get thin"
- Use of a serious lifting schedule vs. cardio to "lose fat"
- Use of a serious lifting schedule to "tone up"
- Use of a reasonable diet to "get rid of those love handles"
- Use of a serious lifting schedule and diet instead of AS, T3 and other "alternative" supplements to "get big" / "get tight" / "tone up"
So..... back to the post....
Susan - can you post your diet? I would propose that your body would respond very nicely to a little more stuff to run on - this may include some more complex carbs, etc. while still remaining within your "comfort zone".
As far as "making you fat".... you might experience an increase in size or weight or bodyfat because you are upping your intake, but remember that if you are training, this will, by necessity, be used - but if you are introducing a change in your diet, during the tranisition you may experience bloating or other tranisitory "symptoms" that might make you think you're "getting fat". Please give the change a chance to work - thus my challenge to give the change a 3 week trial period before you get frustrated or freaked out and toss it in favor of reduced calories again.