And that'll build me up well?
And yeah form first, or injury may come second... I'm not silly
gr8 for you bro.
And a impatient question lol this starting at bar is gonna bore me to tears, can I bump the weights up to something at like week 6 and slowly add weight to it? :/ Im rather impatient due to my determination, I need to push myself, or I feel like I'm wasting time :/
Ok bro you need to really read this, what Im saying here.
NO NO AND NO AGAIN!!!!! Im gonna repeat this for you.
If you start at anything more then the bar your gonna end up doing a rest. Thats not the end of the world my any means but its not optimal either by any means.
Keep in your mind that while your starting at just the bar you are getting your joint and connective tissues ready for the big dam weights that are soon to come. You wont believe how fast that dam weight racks up as you get going into this program.
But what you can do is add reps and sets. So if you feel that 5x5 is not enough for you at just the bar and the lighter weights then feel free to do 10x10 or what ever your heart desires.
And I lack cash atm, diets alright, alot of junk foods, and even more healthy foods... But I'm curious on supplements that'll help with carb/protien intake and raise it up heaps, I take a whey protien BCAA mix atm gives a great 75g protien a day +, but I need more energy I burn it all and don't store any! Making muscle gains slow as body turns to that -.- so any good ideas on carb energy to store... I eat a f**k load of pastas and brown rice a day -.- and my fat don't move, only weight I seem to gain is muscle, I'm thin as you could guess like a stick... Solid as steel and toned as but thin still... Need fat gains, I can burn it later n get the shredded look with all cardio in army, but really really need to invest on getting my bf% up, atleast low 2 digits, it's mid singles atm -.-
Agreed? :/