How many carbs are you consuming per day? How many prior to going to gym? Is that shake with milk or water? And how much protein is in it? Sorry for all the q's. Really am trying to be of some help.
May not be the total number of calories that is the problem. May be the source. Use to down a shake prior to training. Swapped it for real food and have had more success. Shakes are convenient, same with bars. But if you are able to eat something more "real" prior to gym time, you might have more energy.
That isn't a whole lot of sleep you're getting. Sorta sounds a lot like me. Something to do with my bf sounding like a damn industrial size drill.

I am suffering from lack of right now, hope this is coherent. If not, just disregard and I will try again later.
I hope you are vastly different than moi, but when I get less than 8 hours of sleep, work 8 hours, have relatively low carb consumption during the day, my workouts really suffer.
Your dinner looks fine. I am of course assuming you cook lean, your salad isn't swimming in ranch and your portion isn't alaska size.
Try adjusting your eating timeline so that you don't have a 5 hour gap in your schedule. I have a tendency to eat more than I should at dinner, if the last time I ate was 5 hours before. Portion size way too large right before sleeping. Gotta keep up the metabolism. Not gonna happen with 5 hour gaps. As I discovered with my nice plateau a few weeks ago.