mattie o
New member
day 20: 143.4 lbs...daaah! hehe, its ok...still bloated from the weekend, and to be honest, i dont feel or look 143.4 lbs...maybe...just putting on a little muscle! well see.
remember yesterday when i said i was just having mostly liquids? well, i think im onto something there. during the day, i had alot of tea with coconut oil (gag) broth, a protein shake...lots of actually went ok. then when i got home from work, i had a couple eggs with butter, a chicken caesar salad, and some veggies...very clean and good! and i was satisfied, and my calories were quite low for the whole day.
i hang out on another forum website,, and ive seen some threads about intermittant fasting, where people have like a 4 hour window that they eat, and just sorta fast for the rest of the day, and theyve had great success with this. now, this seems to go against the whole "eat every few hours to keep the metabolism going" so i dont know. im gonna do some reading up on it. but it might be a good way for me to easily cut my calories...i know in my heart of hearts that upwards of 2800 calories a day is too much if i want to ditch this last bit of fat. plus, in the evenings when i get home from work is when i really enjoy my busy at work anyway and always have to just scarf shit down.
so well see. just trying to be consistent and stick to the plan here, and working on making it a lifestyle and not stressing about it.
back day yesterday:
pulldowns, 5x10
seated rows, 5x10 - these were effing heavy!
one arm rows, 3x10 each arm
DEAD LIFTS, 5x10 (owwwww, these were really heavy too! my thighs are black and blue from my knuckles rubbing down them)
lower back extensions w/ 35 lb plate, 3x10
uh...i did one more thing, but im not sure how to explain it...its on the cable crossover machine, but you grab the handles with the opposite hand, make like an X above your head, and then pull down and out...get it? kind of a nice finishing exercise for back, kinda hits the rear delts a bit as well.
also did cardio after work, which i loathe, because at the end of the work day, i just wanna go home. but i got thru it, for some reason my calves and shins BLEW up when i hopped on the treadmill, im thinking this is a residual effect of the clen, scott said the same thing happened to him. so i did 20 min treadmill, 20 min eliptical, and 20 minutes stepper. ugh.
didnt quite make it to the gym this am either, but i felt sooooo tired this morning, like my body was screaming at me to get a bit more sleep. so i did. today is leg day, so i may only do 30 minutes of cardio later on
hows everyone doin? i see that theres been lots of views on my thread here, anyone else doin this diet? (and if so, i hope your doing better than me, lol)
remember yesterday when i said i was just having mostly liquids? well, i think im onto something there. during the day, i had alot of tea with coconut oil (gag) broth, a protein shake...lots of actually went ok. then when i got home from work, i had a couple eggs with butter, a chicken caesar salad, and some veggies...very clean and good! and i was satisfied, and my calories were quite low for the whole day.
i hang out on another forum website,, and ive seen some threads about intermittant fasting, where people have like a 4 hour window that they eat, and just sorta fast for the rest of the day, and theyve had great success with this. now, this seems to go against the whole "eat every few hours to keep the metabolism going" so i dont know. im gonna do some reading up on it. but it might be a good way for me to easily cut my calories...i know in my heart of hearts that upwards of 2800 calories a day is too much if i want to ditch this last bit of fat. plus, in the evenings when i get home from work is when i really enjoy my busy at work anyway and always have to just scarf shit down.
so well see. just trying to be consistent and stick to the plan here, and working on making it a lifestyle and not stressing about it.
back day yesterday:
pulldowns, 5x10
seated rows, 5x10 - these were effing heavy!
one arm rows, 3x10 each arm
DEAD LIFTS, 5x10 (owwwww, these were really heavy too! my thighs are black and blue from my knuckles rubbing down them)
lower back extensions w/ 35 lb plate, 3x10
uh...i did one more thing, but im not sure how to explain it...its on the cable crossover machine, but you grab the handles with the opposite hand, make like an X above your head, and then pull down and out...get it? kind of a nice finishing exercise for back, kinda hits the rear delts a bit as well.
also did cardio after work, which i loathe, because at the end of the work day, i just wanna go home. but i got thru it, for some reason my calves and shins BLEW up when i hopped on the treadmill, im thinking this is a residual effect of the clen, scott said the same thing happened to him. so i did 20 min treadmill, 20 min eliptical, and 20 minutes stepper. ugh.
didnt quite make it to the gym this am either, but i felt sooooo tired this morning, like my body was screaming at me to get a bit more sleep. so i did. today is leg day, so i may only do 30 minutes of cardio later on

hows everyone doin? i see that theres been lots of views on my thread here, anyone else doin this diet? (and if so, i hope your doing better than me, lol)