Fuck I have to tell somebody, I had such a great weekend. So you guys know that I've been on and off with Tim [yes, the photographer]. Well we decided to go away for the weekend and "reconnect" so to speak. We went about 50 minutes away to Saugatuck, which is a little resort town on Lake Michigan. It is also where the nude private beach is, that he and I went to together previously. Friday he drove there during the day to set our hotel room up before we went out there after I got out of work... get this, rose petals and candles (54 of them!) in a jacuzzi sweet... it was wonderful. So, on to Saturday...
Went out to the beach and found such a beautiful spot overlooking the lake. We had some couples that sat near by and a single guy that came over and chatted and came out and asked that if we had sex, could he watch? Well, later on Tim and started having sex, and another couple five feet from us did, and then another couple walked over and started doing it 4 feet behind my head. So there are 3 couples going at it and a couple of guys watching. Later after things calmed down we actually talked to one of the couples for quite a while. They actually came later that night to our hotel room about 10:30 or so. I have really wanted to kiss a girl for a while... I like women and it's been forever. So we didn't swap or anything, just had same bed sex and yes I think I let her lick my pussy. GREAT TIME. They left about 2:30am, and Tim was upset because I wasn't giving him enough attention. He was mad and I wanted to talk about it and he refused, and me being drunk like I was got really loud and angry, so he left the hotel room. I locked myself in the bathroom and actually passed out on the floor. Tim couldn't wake me up through the door from talking and calling and yelling, so he went to the concierge and they had to search for a bathroom key, I guess he was freaking out.
So I woke up this morning not feeling very hot. We went out to the beach again, and met another really cool couple that drive up from Chicago just to go to this awesome beach, and our friends from the night before came out as well. We ended up having sexing again, and I was on top of Tim, and I have a tendency to be loud. I finally was able to cum (I didn't yet all weekend), and did it like 4 times... and there were people all over watching... like 10 people standing back.... and then when I was done and got off, there were 2 guys clapping about 20 yards back that were watching.
Fucking awesome weekend.