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BlkWS6 said:Originally posted by Deepsquat
Good PR!!!! But doing it after a week off with "the flu " tells me one definate are over training!
I know the first thing that comes to your mind is "BULLSHIT DEEPSQUAT"!!!!!
But think about it ...your "FLU" was not really the is one of the mechanizims that the body uses to get you to stop going to the gym...this is not a theory I pulled out of my ass , it is well known that many, colds, flues and sore threoats that weight trainers get are not caused by virus or bactiria...but the body, rebelling! Reread some of the posts by DC and Iron fit the mold perfectly.
Interesting concept, but I had the flu horribly for the last week and it all occured while I was on DC training. I HIGHLY doubt overtraining was the culprit. I know a ton of people who have been getting sick lately. Lets ease up on throwing the overtraining card at everything fellas.
So you think you can't overtrain while doing DC style training..ask the man himself , he will in all likelyhood tell you that you may have been overtrained.....overtraining also taxes the Auto Immune System...hence you will get sick easier.
To PolishHammer....just because your brother had it , doesn't mean that you jad to catch it...unless your immune system was depleted with over training???????
I know it is hard to convince anyone they are overtraining...DC style guys will be even harder to convince now....hell how can you do less then one set...the answer ...take another rest day!
I have taken the last 3 days off...scheduled off was Sat...Sun . had Migraine..( I am a cronic sufferer, so don't be a smart ass and say "YOUR OVERTRAINING") and Momday was ttoo wasted from the vomiting on Sun. to lift will pick up where I left off, and probably be better for it.
I quote this from another sight
The most common symptom is fatigue. This may limit workouts and may be present at rest. The athlete may also become moody, easily irritated, have altered sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport. Some will report decreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent muscular soreness, increased frequency of viral illnesses, and increased incidence of injuries