and what is your training approach for dealing with them?
clearly my lagging areas are my arms and shoulders. Over the last 15 months I've found I have to very carefully cycle my training intensity for these areas to find the thin line between stagnation and overtraining. Right now I train arms 1x weekly only. Workout #1 I've been doing heavy weights, low volume then Workout #2 I drop the poundage by 10-12% and bump reps to the 10 to 13 range and increase total sets. This seems to have restarted my arm gains. I am using the same basic approach for shoulders with similar success. I believe my premature plateau in these areas was due to overtraining. I neglected to consider the subtantial training effect on these areas from bench and back work.
Let's hear from you guys.
clearly my lagging areas are my arms and shoulders. Over the last 15 months I've found I have to very carefully cycle my training intensity for these areas to find the thin line between stagnation and overtraining. Right now I train arms 1x weekly only. Workout #1 I've been doing heavy weights, low volume then Workout #2 I drop the poundage by 10-12% and bump reps to the 10 to 13 range and increase total sets. This seems to have restarted my arm gains. I am using the same basic approach for shoulders with similar success. I believe my premature plateau in these areas was due to overtraining. I neglected to consider the subtantial training effect on these areas from bench and back work.
Let's hear from you guys.