localgirl said:Are you getting proper rest?
Ive got a huge problem with that..I just wanna giver' till I cant anymore, totally discarding the fact that we need to give our body time to recoup.
Im sure your doing great. more pix?!
Your such an example to me! I am trying so hard..still seem to be struggling to drop the bf%...any tips????
Of course I'm not getting enough rest!!!
I also like to keep going till I can no more, but that's my personality and I'm not going to change that.
I will go back to your thread and check your stats, then I'm able to give yo some tips. In the meantime I want you to know that dropping BF does not happen overnight. Everything takes time. Also, take progress pictures b/c sometimes we think we are not making progress and in fact we are.
When did you first started to work on your goal?