Of course I am not going to blast you, (might send you some snot!) but I am a big girl, just wanted to know others opinions on the subject, never worked out when I was sick, cause I wasn't to worried about it before. now that I am trying to accomplish something I just don't want to screw it up either way!
Of course I am not going to blast you, (might send you some snot!) but I am a big girl, just wanted to know others opinions on the subject, never worked out when I was sick, cause I wasn't to worried about it before. now that I am trying to accomplish something I just don't want to screw it up either way!
In this case, I'd really listen to your body and rest.. I agree with Sarge, of course, but if you really are 'sick', working out may end up delaying you even MORE ... you need to be the judge & weigh the consquences here .. taking another day to get better, pushing it and getting worse ... make the right decision, only you KNOW how you feel...
*note to self, NEVER eat when coming to the thread again ... snot ... *
I clicked on it, that is funny! Sarge I won't be flaming you but that is funny! Now at least I know if it ever happens to me
Got the executive decision from hubby on the phone, he said don't work out and go to the doctor!. So going to the doctor this afternoon, getting some back pain, and considering it is back day, the whole workout thing won't be happening!
Can you tell the guilt, it's good and bad! at least it shows I am committed or obsesed and tomorrow I will take Sarge's advice if I am feeling a little better and take it easy on the cardio! I have Saturday and Sunday to make up for today!