"- Jay Cutler
Pre-Workout ThermoShed (3 capsules) dbol (handful)
Cardio 45 minute cardio session.
Meal 1 20 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 cup of steel cut oats, GAKIC (8 caplets) test prop (400mg).
Train Training session.
Meal 2 2 scoops of Nitro-Tech, 1 cup of steel cut oats.
Meal 3 12 ounces of top round steak, green beans, onions.
Meal 4 16 ounces of flounder, green beans.
Meal 5 16 ounces of flounder, half cup of steel cut oats, green beans.
Pre-Workout ThermoShed (3 capsules) Tren (200mg)
Cardio 30 minute cardio session.
Meal 6 16 ounces of flounder, 2 cups of asparagus.
Meal 7 16 ounces of flounder, Acetabolan III (4 capsules). Wintrol tabs (handful)"
you missed the fine print in his diet