Can entwine recommend a good site that I can find out what's in what food .. Kcal , carbs fat etc..
As finding it hard to source high protein food with low carbs With high kcal . Apart from my chicken .
Don't complicate it man.
Protein- Chicken, Fish, Beef, Eggs, Greek Yogurt
Carbs- Green veggies, sweet potatoes, oats, brown rice, bananas
Fats- Peanut butter (also fulfills protein requirements), olive oil, nuts, soy milk, tofu
Do not fill your calories with garbage! It defeats the purpose. Don't let anyone tell you different.
You need to eat more meals through the day. Eat breakfast. Have a couple eggs and some oatmeal.
Then have a snack before lunch. Have some Greek yogurt and a banana.
Lunch is next... Pick a protein, a carb, and add some veggies.
Then, snack. A couple tablespoons of peanut butter on some celery or something like that. Maybe some more Greek yogurt.
Guess what...time to eat again! Dinner...Protein, carb, add some veggies. another small meal. Have some protein, and maybe drop the carbs, maybe not. Depends where you are with your numbers. You do want carbs bro. You need fuel. Especially if you want to put on some weight. Don't go overboard with the carbs, but you need em.
Then...right before bed. Eat either some cottage cheese or Greek yogurt to get a slow burning protein in you so your body can repair while you sleep.
Make sure you write every single thing down in a notebook. Don't guess. You will hit your numbers if you do. And if you hit your numbers, you get results. This takes work. Eating is a full time job sometimes for me. It's a pain in the ass, but I have goals in mind.
And as for a some googling. It isn't hard. Good luck & hard work.