I'd put my money on igf-des being the way to go; that way you can concentrate the effects of the dosage on just your knee. Also wouldn't have to deal with any of the potential long term side effects of high dose igf-lr3 such as enlarged gut. I do wonder what the best way to inject it into your knee would be so as to get maximum cartridge growth.
I'm keeping dosage at ~20mcg 1 hour postworkout to avoid any sides. The shit is pretty powerful though. I once did 100mcg postworkout (I didn't have the proper syringes) and felt like my whole body was buzzing with activity. Even at 20 mcg I feel good, less fatigue, more limber...
I'm keeping dosage at ~20mcg 1 hour postworkout to avoid any sides. The shit is pretty powerful though. I once did 100mcg postworkout (I didn't have the proper syringes) and felt like my whole body was buzzing with activity. Even at 20 mcg I feel good, less fatigue, more limber...