My friend you can be in great shape in no time. Now is the time to be honest with yourself, buckle down and get lean and mean. Your ability to do a ton of cardio is amazing. Keep that up, Your calories look way to low to me, looks like you hit a wall body is in stravation mode and keeping every ounce of fat it can. You are 260lbs my Recomendation for calories would be Weight X 10, in this case 2600 cals a day.
Ok, So you cant run a CKD, dont feel bad some people need carbs, no problem, we must follow the golden rule though. No fats and carbs in the same meal. Low carbs at night.
Keep up the morning cardio, that is great, what machine are you using, how many calories are you burning?
Diet wise, can you buy a tub or 2 of optimum whey, has about 22 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 2-3 grams of carbs. Also some Citrucel fiber powder, to throw in your shakes, this is going to help fill you up, make you poop, but the main purpose is to make you feel full.
Drink 8-12 glasses of water a day, before you eat each meal, down a glass.
Now for diet wise I recomend around 6 400-500 cals meals per day, first three medium carb, medium protein, low fat, last 3 are high protein, medium fat, low low low carb.
Wake up do 1 hour of cardio
Breakfast, 2/3 cup of old fashioned oatmeal, use half the recomened water, add 3 packets of splenda, and some powdered cinnamon for taste. Have 10 egg whites or a shake,
Next meal, grab a protein bar, any will do minimum of 25 grams of protein, and maximum of 25grams of carbs.
Lunch, A nice healthy sandwhich on wholewheat bread, low/no fat mayo,
I will continue but I have cardio to do, hope this helps, you can do this man, Just be honest with yourself, is that candy bar or mcdonalds worth it.
Sometimes we over do eating good and hurt ourselves. Smile, everyday you workout, eat good you are looking better, and one step closer to the old improved you.