I havnt been able to play the iron game for a year. Cleared to start next week again. For the last 4 months I have been doing cardio and dieting to lose BF% So probably $200 monthly. Lots of casein, almond milk, liquid egg whites, chicken. Basically starving myself.
Once I am full blown into it again it will be $400-600 monthly easy. Liquid egg whites, Tuna, Salmon(when its on sale!), Sirloin, pork loin, Chicken.
Found a store near me that has boneless chicken always for $1.88 lb. and bone in for like $.98 lb.
I wish fresh salmon wasnt so goddamn expensive I would eat it 24/7. Deer season is coming soon here and I have 5 tags to fill. thats a few hundred lb of free venison. Heres to hoping i see enough of them!!