Just a few points about this Quaker 'Weight Control' product:
it is an instant cereal which will mean that it has been heavily processed and thus will have a higher glycemic rating
it contains maltodextrin which will further increase the glycemic rating
it contains acesulfame K (artificial sweetener)
it contains sucralose
the higher protein value comes from the added whey protein isolate ... without it, this product would probably have very little actual protein content due to the level of processing
there are 20 ingredients in this one product
make sure that you note the serving size when making comparisons with other types of oats
If you are looking at a breakfast cereal to help you control your weight then you would benefit more from the one ingredient in large flaked Quaker Oats than from the twenty ingredients in this one 'weight control' product. The low glycemic rating of large flaked oats will leave you feeling fuller over longer periods of time and less likely to cheat on a diet. This 'weight control' product will cause blood glucose levels to rise at a faster rate which will lead to a possible insulin spike and an increase in fatty tissue deposits. The only thing it has going for it is the fact that the caloric value is reduced. If you want to make a real weight control breakfast cereal then just use Quaker large flaked oats and reduce the serving size.