yesterday's workout:
Deadlift: 200x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x5
Military Press: 105x5, 110x5, 115x5, 110x4, 110x4, 95x5
High Pull: 95x5, 105x5, 110x5, 115x5, 120x5
Pull-Up/Cable Crossover Straight (superset)
4 sets of 5/ 4 sets of 10 (40lbs)
Close Grip Chin-Up/ Seated Cabel Row (superset)
2sets of 5/ 2 sets of 10 (120lbs)
Awsome workout bro! All the way around totally awsome
Hell you too get a nipple shaker for this one
Today was the first day I really felt like I went above and beyond. It felt good to be in a new gym were I could grunt a little bit and throw a little bit of weight around without alarms going off or getting bitched at for putting in work lol. It made a Huge difference on my deadlift, also got a ton of calories in yesterday, over 4,000 easy, mostly good foods a little bit of junk food as well (two small slices of cheese pizza) my appetite was crazy after that workout all the way up till i went to bet at 2 and i woke back up at 4 and downed another bowl of cereal lol