This HST cycle, I did an experiment of sorts. My back growth had been pretty solid, but I really wanted wider lats.
My lat exercise was weighted pullups.
I kept weighted pullups, but I tried something else: each and every rep, instead of merely trying to get my chin over the bar, I focused on pulling with the lats. I had to drop the weight, but the results have been spectacular. That, combined with the same technique on barbell rows has exploded my back growth.
Literally, my back has grown noticeably over the last 4 weeks (during that period I also coincidentally put on about 10 pounds thanks to good eating.)
Has anyone else found that, by merely "thinking" about the target muscle during an exercise, they have experienced increased growth?
My lat exercise was weighted pullups.
I kept weighted pullups, but I tried something else: each and every rep, instead of merely trying to get my chin over the bar, I focused on pulling with the lats. I had to drop the weight, but the results have been spectacular. That, combined with the same technique on barbell rows has exploded my back growth.
Literally, my back has grown noticeably over the last 4 weeks (during that period I also coincidentally put on about 10 pounds thanks to good eating.)
Has anyone else found that, by merely "thinking" about the target muscle during an exercise, they have experienced increased growth?