at IronLion.
Well, here's tonight's workout. Surprised me quite a bit.
Flat bench
warmups: 135, 155, 185, 225
working: 245 for 8, 255 for 5
I thought my eyes had exploded during these. My vision was blurry for a little bit; when I had gone to the bathroom to see if I had gone blind, my eyes were as red as my shirt (which was bright red ...). How cool is that!?
Military press.
warmups: 115, 135, 155
working: 185 for 5
warmups: 75, 95
working: 115 for 10
Rack deads.
warmups: 135, 225, 315
working: 405 for 5, 315 for 15. PR of sorts. Previous record was 4 with 405, and I've never done above 10 reps with anything.
These wrecked me ...
warmups: 2 sets of 5 , BW
working: BW +35 for 10. PR.
I was so surprised I was able to perform anything half decent tonight. Turns out my strength was just fine.