With re to what MITTucker is saying though, he is right in the sense that only take what you read here as personal opinions Everyone is different. Common sense and personal judgement should be your main decision maker. But you seem a pretty switched on guy. Ive seen some unbelieveable questions be asked on these sites. I know a guy here where i live (england) who started cycling at 18, he went straight in at a high dose and didnt give a sh*t. Needless to say he lost his girlfriend and numerous friends in the process. He became a total lunatic. Violent and aggressive. But he was a bit of a di*k to begin with so im not suprised. Ha ha.
Be sure to research fully whatever you decide to take and monitor yourself throughout. Ive never had any problems with rage or temper while cycling. But my supplier has recently been banned from driving for violent road rage. I imagine that being in a MMA fight will draw your aggression out, ive never done MMA so i have no experience but its somethin to be mindful of.
I spent 6 months researching sustanon before i even considered sticking it in my body. Know the side effects and what to look out for. But like i said though you seem fairly switched on.