Hello EliteFitness crew.
I've come here to log my first cycle which will be sponsored by @Core_Pharma.
Almost 34 and have been training on/off for 15 or so years with the last few being relatively consistent considering life factors. I've been on TRT (150mg) for three years. I cut down to 102kg from 115/120 prior to starting TRT. I then cut down to 92ish kg last year before easing up a bit on how strict I was going with diet/food. I am currently sitting around 95kg.
Late last year I had a semen analysis done which returned 0 sperm. This was due to ceasing HCG with my TRT. @Core_Pharma helped me out with HMG/HCG for a fertility protocol which was successful and ended with my partner pregnant last month. I can't thank him enough.
We are due to be out of the first trimester in about a month. Once that milestone has been reached, I plan to begin my first blast. I am going to use the month or so to cut down to a lower BF%.
I have realised that over the years I have become complacent in my training and pushing myself, moreso going through the motions with little to no progression. As the wise say "The best time to start was yesterday, the second-best time is now"
Input appreciated Assessing between the old standard 500mg test OR titrating up test and primo to around 500/600mg total. Both for 16-20 weeks depending on bloodwork. Bloodwork to be done pre, mid and post cycle.
5 days a week.
Back and Abs are what I want to bring up most.
Tracked with Macro factor, macros to be calculated.
Cycle will be used to determine what amount of test I can run without the need for estrogen control, then assess for the inclusion of primo.
Starting point photographs attached. Weighing in around 97/98 at the moment.
Diet goal for the coming week will be
@AusCreatine now we open arms welcome you to the EF famTest E 250mg/ml supplied by @Corepharma. This will be run at TRT dosage for another 5-6 weeks.
I'll aim to get some food pics thrown up here and there![]()

Cycle Blast
I think adding testosterone is your best option 100% best option before even thinking of primo, 500mgs of testosterone is a perfect cycle, work off of that. do you have e2 issues? bc you do need an ai but dose dependent.
Please share more day to day information with us.
Diet, Training, Cardio
Diet, please share foods and meals and when you eat them, macros would be good
Training, please share actual exercises reps sets and weights, as you go especially get stronger
cardio how much do you do? when etc
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
what digestive supps you use?
digestive enzymes?
psyllium husk?
please share pictures of you face blurred (every 1-2 weeks)
pics of your meals as you go
pics of your training as you go
pics of your supps
pics of your gear
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