24? You should be so lucky. I started storing bodyfat the second I popped out. That's right. Fat kid in the swimming pool with his shirt ON. That was me.
24? You should be so lucky. I started storing bodyfat the second I popped out. That's right. Fat kid in the swimming pool with his shirt ON. That was me.
Ugh!!! Fat kid stories. I remember when I was a kid I wanted this toy truck that you get to sit and ride around in but I didn't fit. My parents tried to make me feel better, "Oh they're not that fun anyways."
....That's it. I'm having one custom made right now. *Dialing Fisher Price*
Husky!!! I got that all the time. "Big guy too starting in 5th grade" My little league uniform had to be specially made. Everyone else had the team's name written in cursive, mine was in big bold print.
At least we'll be fit for most of our lives when all the others will be boozing themselves into oblivion while leading their lazy lives
I thank all the stoopid bastards that gave me shit when I was younger for making me a stronger person today... Thank You all you little pricks out there... /rant
I wanna be lazy somedays though... then I go to the gym, lol.
No shit. I can't count the number of people who I've run into from junior high and high school who are already out of shape and/or balding. These are the same people that were skinny back in the day. One guy waited on me at the garage and didn't know who I was until I gave him my credit card. Should've knocked him out just for fun: "Oh and one last thing. *POW!!!* *THWACK!!!*" (Had to add the Batman sound effects.)